Welcome to ADS CLEANING changing the cleaning world forever!
We specialise in Domestic and Commercial cleaning across England.
We attract opportunity by setting the world in motion to fit around your everyday needs in a busy, yet modern world.
Helping to change the way people make a living.
Providing our cleaners with a chance to share their cleaning abilities with the rest of the world.
We stand to help make the world a cleaner and more vibrant place to be in together.
Becoming the leaders within the cleaning industry, start making the world a better place for us all.
Providing everyone with a greater opportunity!
We provide everyone with an opportunity to become a better cleaner whilst being able to learn tricks along the way to improve their responsibilities and tasks.
Here at ADS CLEANING, we accept everyone for who they are no matter their colour, disability, sexual orientation, or creed.
We provide everyone with a unique opportunity to make something of themselves.
When people join us they are faced with our unique venture within the cleaning world whilst operating within the online industry.
Helping to assist people around their establishments from their living rooms to their work environment.
All our cleaners who work with us undergo a CRB / DBS security clearance check as well as carry their own public liability insurance cover before they are accepted to clean with us. This is to make sure that they are safe to be around and that they are covered in case of any damage.
All our cleaners are self-employed to make it easier for them to work without the restrictions and responsibilities of being employed within a company. The cleaning opportunities we offer allow for every individual to start to work for themselves and enjoy being self-sufficient.
Cleaning work is always provided to cleaners who are nearest to the customers who require their services the most.
Providing cleaners with a choice of where they wish to work helps keep costs low and wages high. Doing this helps also save the environment.
We try and provide cleaners with as much opportunity as possible by spanning a 5-20mile radius. If cleaners wish to extend the radius they must let us know.
Our company logo is fully trademarked as is our company slogan 'Another One Fights The Dust®' This is protected by British Trademark Law - 1994
Another One Fights The Dust ®
Another One Fights The Dust ®